Local company, Resicare Pty Ltd has been announced as the successful construction tenderer for Ballarat Hospice Care Inc. (BHCI) new multi-million palliative care hub to be built at Lucas.
BHCI Committee of Management Chair Geoff Russell agreed with Executive Officer Carita Clancy “this is a very exciting milestone”. This could not have been achieved without significant community support helping to raise in excess of $1 million toward the new building through the Give to Help Hospice Grow Appeal. This is in addition to the State Government funding through the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund grant for the building last September.
“We are very proud to partner with Resicare who are a local Ballarat construction firm that has a fantastic track record of building quality facilities,” Mr Russell said.
“We are very excited about the future of BHCI in our new purpose-built facility, which has also been uniquely designed by Morton Dunn Architects with a lotus-style look which reflects our values of loyalty, honesty, kindness, respect, trust, skill and willingness in a reflective and inviting atmosphere.”
Ms Clancy said BHCI staff and volunteers have been operating in very cramped conditions for several years now, while still meeting ever-increasing service demand.
“In the last financial year, demand for our service rose nearly 20 per cent and we vitally need this new facility to help people live well until the very end of their life,” Ms Clancy said.
“Our plan is to become the regional palliative care hub where our community are able to access the very best in end of life care and services. This building is housing our service in a warm, comforting and nurturing environment.
“We would like to thank both the Ballarat community and the State Government for their very welcome support of our service and our expansion into this new building.”
Resicare Director, Adam Parker and Project Manager, Matt Huf said construction of the modernistic BHCI building would be an exciting new challenge.
“This building is a landmark design not seen in Ballarat before and we look forward to partnering with BHCI to create a fantastic new facility for our community,” Matt said.
Morton Dunn Architects Director, Alan Morton said the building’s design reflected BHCI principles of privacy and confidentiality. It also provides for quiet, reflective spaces, areas for children and a wide range of counselling, training and interview rooms: it is a special space for patients, carers, staff, volunteers and community needs.