- The Ballarat Hospice Care Inc. Board of Governance invites you to attend the 2022 Annual General Meeting on Monday October 24, 2022 at 5:45pm for a 6.00pm start
- Please register here on Eventbrite
or phone 5333 1118 - RSVP by Thursday October 20, 2022
Business of the meeting
- confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
- receive the report of the Board of Governance and audited statements of accounts for the year ended June 30, 2022
- formally appoint one casual Board Member to a permanent position
- elect two Board members each for a three year term and one Board member for a two year term
- transact such other business as may be legally transacted and of which at least fourteen (14) days notice is given.
In accordance with the Rules of Ballarat Hospice Care Inc., two positions on the Board fall vacant. Applications are invited from financial members of Ballarat Hospice Care Inc. to fill the above vacant positions. Two retiring members offer themselves for re-election.
The 2021-22 Annual Report and Financial Report are available here.
Enquiries please phone 5333 1118