It is 20 years since Leanne joined Ballarat Hospice Care.
Everyone who knows Leanne agrees she is an inspiration.
She has a gentle caring way that enables patients and families to feel safe and supported. Thank you Leanne for your 20 years of dedication and commitment.
Recently Leanne reflected about her time at Ballarat Hospice Care; here are some of her thoughts…
The care of patients, their needs and their families remain a constant.
What has changed is the type of care we offer ; it is better, it is more holistic. This change has come about through our patients and how they present to us with more complexities to consider for their overall palliative care.
Our staff have changed. I remember when we would have two nurses on for the day. We would hand over every single patient at the beginning of each day.
With a smaller staff size we could manage a meet up for lunch once a week. It would take a mammoth effort to achieve that these days!
My advice for anyone new to Palliative Care…
- Take your time
- Listen
- Listen some more
- We can’t fix everything, however we can always listen
- Go gently…
And personally, what I continue to learn is this role gives you a deep appreciation for life.