What information do we collect about you?

Ballarat Hospice Care Inc. (Ballarat Hospice) will only collect health and related information that is necessary to offer quality care for you and your family. Staff will always try to collect information in a fair, lawful and non-intrusive manner. Wherever possible, staff will collect information directly from you, rather than from third parties. If information is collected from a third party, such as the referring agency, all endeavours will be made to inform you. The information collected will only be related to your current condition.

Each patient of Ballarat Hospice Care has a paper and computer medical record that contains:

  • Your name and contact details
  • The contact details of your local doctor and next of kin / carer
  • Details about your health condition and treatment

How does Ballarat Hospice Care use this information?

The information we collect helps us to keep up-to-date details about your needs so we can care for you in the best possible way. Your information can only be seen by and shared with the health professionals who are involved in your care and with your consent. We collect information (statistics) that does not identify you in order to meet our legal, funding and reporting requirements. We only release information about you if you agree or if required by law. You may be asked to join a research project that has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee. If you agree you will be asked to sign a consent form.

What control do you have in what happens to your information?

You have a say in what happens to your information. We rely on the information you give us to help provide the right care for you. If you decide not to share some of your information or restrict access to your medical record this is your right, but it may affect our ability to provide you with the best possible services. Talk to us if you wish to complete a Refusal of Consent to Disclose Information.

How will your information be protected?

Your information is used and stored in a professional and secure manner. We are committed to protecting your privacy.

We have have obligations to comply with

Federal Law

  • Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act)


Victorian Law

  • Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (PDP Act).
  • Health Privacy Principles (HPPs) of the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic)
  • Children Youth and Families Act 2005
  • Public Records Act 1973

Can you access your information?

Yes, you have a right to request access to your information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) by writing to the Executive Officer. Please talk to one of our staff if you have any other questions or concerns about what happens to your information or if you wish to access your medical record.


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